Jewish Meditation & Spiritualty

Recordings from Temple Chaverim's Jewish Meditation Classes

Virtual Jewish Meditation Recordings - Scroll Down for More!

Rosh Hashanah Meditation for 2021/5782

Enjoy this audio recording to set the Tone for your Sweet New Year and to let go of that which no longer is helpful.

Rosh Hashanah Class Audio Recording (19 Minutes) Music by Ben Pagliaro

Yom Kippur Meditation for 2021/5782

Enjoy this audio recording to set practice Teshuva, Repentance and Self-Forgiveness

Yom Kippur Class Audio Recording (20 Minutes) Music by Ben Pagliaro

Video meditation for the High Holidays 2020/5781

Meditation by Donna Bloom

Torah Heart Loop Meditation

Meditation by Donna Bloom

Music by Ben Pagliaro

Meditation can be a magical experience to quiet the thinking mind, relax the body and tap into the voice of intuition.  

Meditation classes are being held virtually online via Zoom. The classes incorporate breathing techniques, guided imagery meditation and interactive discussion.  Join us for strategies to relax and for simple tools to find inner peace. You will learn to quiet your mind and listen to your heart.

The meditation gatherings have morphed into a community support group for like-minded Jewish women.  We come together to hold each other with compassion, love and joy. It’s my honor and privilege to lead this wonderful class.

Watch Donna's Rant About Self-Care

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Geri Green

    I started attending this class in 2014 when I was going through a personal medical crisis, and I haven’t stopped. It has really helped me not only appreciate Jewish aspects of spirituality, but affords me a sense of peace and relaxation every week. Donna is supportive and genuine, and the group members are accepting and positive.

  2. Barb Winer

    There’s always a nugget to receive from attending Donna Bloom’s class. She’s masterful at weaving in Jewish text with our day- to- day lives. Donna provides a warm, safe atmosphere for attendees to express themselves and she shares herself with the group as well. Having the short meditations available online has been great since every time I practice, it’s a new experience with fresh insights. As Donna would say, “may we all be blessed with Shalom.”

  3. Joan K.

    I have been attending Donna’s meditation classes for about 15 years. Through each aspect of my life’s journey I have gained clarity, peace and insight from her views and teachings. It’s a practice that helps more and more over time. The atmosphere is supportive and inspiring. I highly recommend Donna to anyone who is ready to enhance their life.

  4. Fradell Serpe

    I LOVE Donna and her meditation class! As a regular in her class for about two years until moving out of state last year, I knew her class would be one of the things I missed most. I was so delighted when she invited me to join the class through Zoom once the pandemic hit (silver lining for me). I look forward to the group each time we meet, knowing that I will walk away from it feeling more relaxed, more centered and more peaceful. Donna weaves together the Jewish spirituality with the meditation so masterfully that not only do I feel a greater spiritual connection but I learn a bit about Judaism and life in general. Her voice is very welcoming, loving and calming, which all enhance the guided meditations. I also love that she records the meditation sessions and posts them on her website. Donna is very caring and knowledgeable and I’m grateful to have met her!

  5. Sheila S.

    Donna’s mediation classes are inspirational. The mediations have helped me gain new awarenesses and perspectives over the years I have taken her classes. I love how Donna incorporates Jewish aspects of spirituality into the mediation practice. Now through the convenience of Zoom sessions, we can all easily take part from the comfort of our own homes!

  6. Karen Fazekas

    Donna’s meditation classes have been incredibly instrumental in guiding me through good times and difficult times in my life. Donna is incredible and these classes are wonderful!

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