Hypnosis Freebies - Great Resources to Get Started

#1) 16 Minutes of Calm

FREE Peaceful Journey Audio MP3 To Release Stress & Worries

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Get This Peaceful Journey Hypnotic Audio Recording MP3 from Donna

Get insight and answers hidden in your subconscious mind in this 16 minute relaxing hypnosis recording. During this journey you will be guided to release and let go of worries or stress, while transforming old worries into the vibration of love. Give yourself the priceless gift of your time and attention.

This is a digital recording by Donna Bloom, Board Certified Hypnotist.  

#2) Are You Ready to Get CLEAR on Your Goals?

Answer these 5 Clarity Questions To Focus and Fine Tune What You Ultimately Want To Achieve In The Next 90 Days.

Get Instant Access Now


By Answering These 5 Clarity Questions You’ll…

  • Illuminate your vision for what you truly desire
  • Become a vibrational match to your vision
  • Create a greater sense of purpose and direction
  • Align with the feelings of the wish fulfilled
  • Ignite your drive to dedicate the time and effort toward your desire

#3) 10 Suggestions for Quality "Me Time"

FREE "Me Time" PDF Give Yourself the gift of your own time

Complete to Get Instant Access to the “ME Time” PDF


Get Your FREE Anxiety eBook

End the Anxiety & Worry Struggle

End the Anxiety Struggle on Long Island. Get Anxiety eBook