Enhance Your Health & Mood Naturally With Essential Oils

Working in the holistic health industry, I frequently encounter wellness tools.  I was so impressed with the doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, I wanted to offer them to my clients.  They have personally helped me fight off colds, feel calm, focused and energized.  I use the oils daily for myself and in my office with clients.   If you are interested in learning about the benefits of essential oils or purchasing some for personal use, please give the office a call.   I’d be pleased to share what I know and help you understand how to get the best prices.

Some of my personal favorites:

Wild Orange – mood enhancement, optimism

Lavender – peace and calm, sleep and self-love

Peppermint – digestion, emotional clearing and focus

Grapefruit – weight loss

Ylang Ylang – self-love

PastTense – Tension blend for headaches

InTune – Focus blend for concentration and study time

 [messagebox msgstyle=”green”]Essential Oils Great for Common Health Concerns, such as sleep, allergies, sadness and more.[/messagebox]

Essential oils enhances the hypnosis experience.
Experience the health benefits of pure essential oils!